Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I Hate College, But Love All The Parties.

So yesterday was a supers stressful day, and I couldn't even tell you why. I think my mind was on overload since I have gotten ZERO sleep in the past two weeks. But I was running around with my head chopped off like a crazy person. And had all these to-do lists and things to get and aaaahhh. Not good. But I have been trying to be a good student and try not to procrastinate ( HA like that will last long ) and soinstead of going to a huge movie night on the hill and under the stars, I outlined for pyschology. That's right folks, this little winner right here. And then I realized that I just didn't have it in me and then ended up going to the movie. Wish me good luck please. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It Must Be A Logan Thing...

So yesterday was the first day of school, and I completely forgot to capture that moment of intense nerves and first day of school outfit (you know the one, with the backpack and your cute new clothes) but no. The only thing I was nervous about was making it to class on time due to the fact that I woke up about twenty minutes before I had to go. Man, this whole "alarm" thing, yeah, it ain't my thing. After a good day of classes and meeting new people I went to good old fashioned Family Home Evening where we played volleyball. And you know what? They play this all the time!! We did it last week, we played with other kids last week, there were more games yesterday and let me tell you, I am getting better by the day! Who knows, maybe I'll be on the school's team next year. HA HA HA. But anyways, hopefully the second day won't kill me, because I already want school to stop.

Monday, August 29, 2011

I Have A Flat Satire.

Probably due to the fact that I am worn out from such a good weekend. I am a weekend warrior. Let's see how we can recap the past few days of summer. We went to dance parties, and comedy shows, and walking around town, we also went to bon fires and caving, and SEVEN ELEVEN. It has been far too long since I have had a nice slurp. I am meeting so many new people, and I love it. Everyone is so nice and I think I am finally starting to settle into my new home. I love my roommates, I love my ward, and I am so excited for the next year. Now if I can only make it through classes...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!

Can I just say that these are terrible?
  1. Having the power go out in the middle of sacrament at church. And then proceeding to have the service. twice. In the dark and not seeing a thing.
  2. Going to hit the button to cross the street at the cross walk and having it start beeping repeatedly like I did something wrong.
  3. Having someone come to the door when you are rinsing mouthwash. Thinking it was a roommate and answering it, not knowing that it was your meighbor. Thereby shutting the door in his face, spitting out the mouthwash and yelling, THAT WAS SO EMBARRASSING. Only to have him come to the door later and inform me that he can hear through the door.
  4. Bending over to put my hair in a bun on the top of my head and having a truck full of guys whistle. Erm, hey boys?
  5. Going to a dance party and being head butted in the head thereby being given a concussion. My brain thanks you. Oh, and so does the goose egg and bruise. JERK.
  1. Parallel parking three times in one day...successfully.
  2. Free Aggie Ice Cream. I'm telling ya kids, the stuff is insane.
  3. Free math placement test, thank you Dr. Lund.
  4. Passing math placement test.
  5. Going to every dorm in the building and handing out licorice and introducing eachother. We have so many friends.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

They Should Put Me On MTV Cribs.






So welcome to my home away from home. Come on in, stay awhile dontcha? So today I am going to be givng you the Tour De France of my dorm. Above we have the lovely kitchen stocked up with apetizing healthy snacks. Connected to that is our living room that has some oh so comfortable couches and the lovely "big screen''. As you go down the hall we have the pantry, our closet space, two bathrooms and the rooms. There are three rooms with two beds and desks and closets, you know, typical dorm type stuff. I personally don't have my roommate in yet, and I have yet to be the only one who doesn't make their bed. Oops, take that dad. Other than that, if your ever in Logan, come to 204, we'll be here.

Well Don't Get Used To This,

Because it will NEVER happen again. That's right, a cart full of food. And ya know, there is a reason for that. You see, this was the cart that my parents filled and bought for me, now when I buy my own groceries it's going to be a quarter of the way full. Sad day. And you know what's a bummer? I'm already getting low on my food now! Where is Rachel Ray when you need her? And I promise I have better things to post about, but I keep on forgetting to take pictures. Yesterday I also went and played volleyball and ate pizza form Family Home Evening, which is funny because my ward is not my family, in fact they are all one hundred percent strangers. And then we got a good four-square match going outside our hall, we had people lined up for miles to play. But too bad I suck and got out of the first square everytime. Random post today, sorry lovelies.

Monday, August 22, 2011

In The End, We're All Going To Be Dormed.

Hello Hello! Man, what a crazy weekend! I FINALLY drove down to Logan to move into my new house! It was a boring drive, but I was the first one here and unpacked the boxes. Once they were in my dad and step mom went to the grocery store so I wouldn't starve, well at least for the first few days... I'm already picking starving over actually making's my third day. Anyways, I am all moved in and have tons to do! I really like my roommates and I'm meeting tons of new people, but the only problem is I'm not used to this whole "sharing the bathroom" thing. MINE.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ladies And Gentlemen,

By the time that you will be reading this I will already be gone. You see, tomorrow is my last day in my hometown. And I don't want to waste any time tomorrow writing how I feel on my stupid computer. Tomorrow my last goodbyes, my last sleep in my own bed, my last everything. They ask me how I feel, and it honestly hasn't hit me yet. And it probably wont. But I just wanted to take a second to say thanks to Eagle, Idaho, and more importantly the people in it. It's been a good 11 years. Full of changes, growing up, experience, memories, and childhood. Thank you to all of you who I have come to know and love. Who have helped me, shown me, guided me through all of these years. I don't think you realize how much influence people can have on eachother. I am grateful for my houses, and more importantly to the people who have lived in them with me. I love my family, and I know that this is cliche, and yada yada yada, but I know for a fact I would not be who I am today without them. It hasn't always been easy, and I will be the first one to admit that we went through rough patches, but there is no way that I would trade my family members for annyone. And I hope that we can all continue to remain the same. I just don't know how lucky i am. So thank you for the memories.

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!


  1. Those people who get tattoos of their significant other.. Like this one woman who decided that she need to get ROB written huge and big and black on her...wrist. Which I'm pretty sure it had a date with 2008. Oh, and she wasn't married. Hopefully the guy with her had the name Rob...
  2. Being at Target and getting two big bins that could BARELY fit in the cart. Me, trying to move them around to see which way was the msot efficient way to set them together, looking up and seeing a woman staring at me why I tried to figure it out. Noticing this, I simply looked at her and said, "Yes, I am going to college."
  3. Getting in my mom's car to see her puppy and having it sit on my lap. While in excitement, the dog peed on my lap.
  4. Member those fireworks the other day? Yeah, what I didn't mention was that at the end one exploded when it was still on the ground....and they didn't launch any for a while after that...
  5. Calling your phone to find where it is, picking up the lost phone, answering it, only to find that you were calling yourself. This is my life.
  1. Today I should be getting my new fancy boots and mittens, WOOP.
  2. Going through and extensively cleaning my bathroom, I mean clean, before I go. It looks like it is brand new, which makes me want to dirty it up all over again.
  3. FINALLY getting my five page paper written for school. DONE. EARLY. Bring it on college.
  4. Realizing that the phrase is "from the get go." NOT "from the gecko." I never understood what a gecko had to do with it anyways..
  5. In the Range Rover, looking over at a Crovette, revving the engine and racing for about three miles. And winning. Four girls against one guy. Fun, but almost a near death experience.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Today I Want To Be A Bed Head.

I love all of these rooms. Especially the bed because they look like the kind you can just run and jump into. The first one you could do office work in. The second one is for having breakfast in bed. The third one could be to have all of your children bundle up and you guys just snuggle and watch a movie. And the fourth one is for when your in the kind of mood I am, and you don't want to ever get up again and just lay there all day and not go to work. BUT I just got hit with a reality check. I guess instead I'll just wear my bed head hair...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I Ain't No Pack Mule.

But I'm packing anyways! This is my disaster of a room at the moment. You don't understand how stressed out I was when I was trying to figure out what to bring or not. I mean, I'm still not done, but going through all of my old stuff and deciding what to bring or not gave me a headache. I feel like I am moving out for good. It's funny though finding a lot of old notes and toys and memories. Things that really made me just laugh to myself. To be honest, I moved into my current house a little over a year ago, and I went through boxes that I still hadn't opened from the move. I guess I'll never officially move into my dorm because I think packing is hard now... wait for unpacking.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Take Me Out To The Ball Game

Or don't...either way is fine with me. Which is exactly what I said on Friday night as my step brother invitied me to go to a local baseball game, not the majors my friends, with some friends of his. Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of baseball, but I thought I would tag along rather than write a paper. I should have wrote the paper. It was fun, but just slightly boring. The best part was having fire works right in front of us after the game. Nothing screams a good win more than fireworks.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Now That Hits The Spa-t.

So last night I was feeling a little lazy slash creative, so my cousin who is in town, and myself decided to have a little spa night. First we went and got ice cream, and by we I meant just I got ice cream. After we ran to the store to get facial masks and ingredients. We went back to the house to make home made foot scrub. With a tutorial here and home made pretzel bites right hurrr. In which the pretzel bites didn't turn out the best. I don't blame the recipe. After we put our scrub to the test while we masked up and watched Dinner For Schmucks. I would say it was a productive night to say the least.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!

"My cat was cat of the month at the cat doctor"
  1. Sleepwalking for the very first time. Not remembering a thing. How do I know? I fell asleep with no pants on, woke up with them on. Hopefully I didn't take a night on the town... goodluck new strangers of roommates.
  2. Helping that lost dog on the side of the road, only to have you find he jumps in your car...erm no free rides here buck-o. I am not a taxi service.
  3. Going to get my license out of the little slit and not being able to get it out. For five minutes. You know, when your fingers can't quite fit and then you grab other cards, and you try and slide it up but that just makes it worse. Yeah...
  4. Finding a spider in your bed. "oh hey little buddy, let me kill you so you don't rape me in the night." And then laying on the floor and finding an even bigger one on your blanket. Guys, I am NOT Spiderman.
  5. Having a tattoo of the name "Rob" on your wrist. BIG. and not seeing a wedding ring... so... what happens if you break up? Or even if you were married, get divorced?
  6. Having a customer come in at work, walk right up to the counter, start scratching her lady parts and smiling at me while she does it. Like it is completely normal and act like it isn't happening. THEN does she order cupcakes.
  1. Coming home to a nice little surprise of a new guitar case and capo. Needless to say my family loves me for rocking out to them....
  2. Helping a man put things in his car and seeing that he has an entire Twin Falls Temple model MADE JUST OUT OF LEGOS. And this thing was not small my friend.
  3. "You know what's wierd? That my phone autocorrects to eating rather than dating." What? So it just assumes that I sit at home and eat more than I go on dates....wierd.
  4. Going to dinner with that one kid. It was so nice to catch up and see how he is doing. It's funny to think how much we have already changed. And how much I am grateful for him. Thank you G.
  5. Being stressed slash excited to start packing and getting ready to go. I have so much to do, because I still haven't even started. Saying goodbyes and lunches, I just don't want to forget everything. 
  6. Seeing that bumpersticker on the back of a car. One: Who would put that on a car? Two: Congratulations, you must have one heck of a cat. Three: Who's the cat doctor?!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Here Comes Goodbye.

This is my best friend Kyra. (keer-uh). And she is leaving tomorrow for school. And today is the last time I will get to see her for a very long time. We have been friends since 2nd grade and have gone through so much together. I don't know anyone more beautiful, sarcastic, funny, dependable, trustworthy, organized, creative, goal oriented, loving, thoughtful, and flat out a genuine person. Even though she will be states away from me, I know that she is going to be able to accomplish so much where she is going. She is going to meet so many new people and with her charming personality make instant friends. She is very persistant and knows how to put life into perspective. I have always admired Kyra and I couldn't think of a better thing that she is doing. This kid is going places in her life I tell you. I know that we will be able to remain friends and keep in touch. I truly love you Kyra, and I'll miss you. And yes, I did lose the hula hoop contest.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

If Only This Was Everday.

Yesterday was one of my favorite days of the summer. Not because it was anything exciting, but it was just a good day. Kyra and I went swimming at a friends pool, and we just lounged around and read magazines. Lunchtime came and  we went and got Jamba ( WHICH DOES NOT HAVE HAPPY HOUR ANYMORE) and subway. We brought it back to the house and ate it across from eachother at the outside dining table. Later in the evening we bought snacks and went to see Horrible Bosses. With Madison. After we took the new Mini Cooper home while jamming out to 'Last Friday Night'. 6 times.

Monday, August 8, 2011


Here are some ideas for you to do yourself (hence DIY stands for Do It Yourself, don't worry it took me a while) :

Pour a Capri Sun into a popsicle holder, and add your favorite fruit! YUM.



Okay I would give you the link to this fancy shmancy dry erase board, but I did it, and it is so simple. So, you go get any picture frame you like (I personally just went with a regular, not the most spendy kind) and take out the paper in the back of it. Then, you can go get whatever scrapbooking paper, or any paper for that matter, that you want. (Target has a pack of 8 for $1) Trace the paper you took from the frame before and trace the scrapbook paper so you have the same dimensions. Put it in and write whatever you would like!