Thursday, August 18, 2011

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!


  1. Those people who get tattoos of their significant other.. Like this one woman who decided that she need to get ROB written huge and big and black on her...wrist. Which I'm pretty sure it had a date with 2008. Oh, and she wasn't married. Hopefully the guy with her had the name Rob...
  2. Being at Target and getting two big bins that could BARELY fit in the cart. Me, trying to move them around to see which way was the msot efficient way to set them together, looking up and seeing a woman staring at me why I tried to figure it out. Noticing this, I simply looked at her and said, "Yes, I am going to college."
  3. Getting in my mom's car to see her puppy and having it sit on my lap. While in excitement, the dog peed on my lap.
  4. Member those fireworks the other day? Yeah, what I didn't mention was that at the end one exploded when it was still on the ground....and they didn't launch any for a while after that...
  5. Calling your phone to find where it is, picking up the lost phone, answering it, only to find that you were calling yourself. This is my life.
  1. Today I should be getting my new fancy boots and mittens, WOOP.
  2. Going through and extensively cleaning my bathroom, I mean clean, before I go. It looks like it is brand new, which makes me want to dirty it up all over again.
  3. FINALLY getting my five page paper written for school. DONE. EARLY. Bring it on college.
  4. Realizing that the phrase is "from the get go." NOT "from the gecko." I never understood what a gecko had to do with it anyways..
  5. In the Range Rover, looking over at a Crovette, revving the engine and racing for about three miles. And winning. Four girls against one guy. Fun, but almost a near death experience.

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