Thursday, August 11, 2011

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!

"My cat was cat of the month at the cat doctor"
  1. Sleepwalking for the very first time. Not remembering a thing. How do I know? I fell asleep with no pants on, woke up with them on. Hopefully I didn't take a night on the town... goodluck new strangers of roommates.
  2. Helping that lost dog on the side of the road, only to have you find he jumps in your car...erm no free rides here buck-o. I am not a taxi service.
  3. Going to get my license out of the little slit and not being able to get it out. For five minutes. You know, when your fingers can't quite fit and then you grab other cards, and you try and slide it up but that just makes it worse. Yeah...
  4. Finding a spider in your bed. "oh hey little buddy, let me kill you so you don't rape me in the night." And then laying on the floor and finding an even bigger one on your blanket. Guys, I am NOT Spiderman.
  5. Having a tattoo of the name "Rob" on your wrist. BIG. and not seeing a wedding ring... so... what happens if you break up? Or even if you were married, get divorced?
  6. Having a customer come in at work, walk right up to the counter, start scratching her lady parts and smiling at me while she does it. Like it is completely normal and act like it isn't happening. THEN does she order cupcakes.
  1. Coming home to a nice little surprise of a new guitar case and capo. Needless to say my family loves me for rocking out to them....
  2. Helping a man put things in his car and seeing that he has an entire Twin Falls Temple model MADE JUST OUT OF LEGOS. And this thing was not small my friend.
  3. "You know what's wierd? That my phone autocorrects to eating rather than dating." What? So it just assumes that I sit at home and eat more than I go on dates....wierd.
  4. Going to dinner with that one kid. It was so nice to catch up and see how he is doing. It's funny to think how much we have already changed. And how much I am grateful for him. Thank you G.
  5. Being stressed slash excited to start packing and getting ready to go. I have so much to do, because I still haven't even started. Saying goodbyes and lunches, I just don't want to forget everything. 
  6. Seeing that bumpersticker on the back of a car. One: Who would put that on a car? Two: Congratulations, you must have one heck of a cat. Three: Who's the cat doctor?!

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