Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Well Don't Get Used To This,

Because it will NEVER happen again. That's right, a cart full of food. And ya know, there is a reason for that. You see, this was the cart that my parents filled and bought for me, now when I buy my own groceries it's going to be a quarter of the way full. Sad day. And you know what's a bummer? I'm already getting low on my food now! Where is Rachel Ray when you need her? And I promise I have better things to post about, but I keep on forgetting to take pictures. Yesterday I also went and played volleyball and ate pizza form Family Home Evening, which is funny because my ward is not my family, in fact they are all one hundred percent strangers. And then we got a good four-square match going outside our hall, we had people lined up for miles to play. But too bad I suck and got out of the first square everytime. Random post today, sorry lovelies.

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