Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Dead Sledder.

 This is what preparing for death looks like; in fashionable third grade long johns. (or should I say short johns?)
With the recently fallen snow laying its cold winter blanket over the town, this provided prime opportunity to display our sledding magic, or lack there of. What's great about having a campus uphill is not the fact that you get to kill yourself walking up it, but that there is much recreation to partake of. So we loaded up our gear and headed toward Old Main and climbed the trek to the the top, only to find that I forgot how much of an AWFUL sledder (sleddee?) I am. But seriously. I would put my feet down to break because I hate going fast and would have all the snow just come up and spray my face so I couldn't see and thereby making me break more which lead to more face spraying...and well, you get the point. It was still fun, but I think my favorite part was coming home and eating homemade ice cream sandwiches and hot chocolate. And for that, we thank you.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Mission For Missionaries.

On Saturday I got the opportunity to go do some service with the relief society of my church. We woke up early in the morning and ate a very filling breakfast, which I wish I would have ate more, had some speakers talk to us about service and then went at it! We ended up making cards for the missionaries around the world to help them provide special thanks to people. We had a goal of 1000 and ended up making 820, which isn't bad! It was so easy and surprisingly fun! It always feels so good serving others, especially when it is something so simple, yet so meaningful.

Friday, February 24, 2012

I Was Practicing the Art of Karee-Okay.

So last night in honor of my buddy Andrew's birthday, our entire building went to the local Pizza Pie Cafe for some good ole fashioned fun. We got in for unlimited pizza and their famous rounds of karaoke (yes I just had to google that.) It was KILLER fun. Everyone went up and made complete fools of themselves, but it was so entertaining. Let me tell you, this thing gets CRAZY. If you want sing you have to show up at least a half hour early. I of course picked Bennie and the Jets and of course they close right when it is our turn! Disappointment. But we will probably be going again, so I'll let you know how the crowd surfing goes... and a happy birthday Andrew!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!

1. When you run into someone at the grocery store and they look at your cart and say, "wow, that's a ton of food." Um thank you rude girl for calling me fat? And then not two seconds later the guy at the register says, "wow, so how long does it take you to eat all of this food?" I AM NOT FAT.
2. That guy at the gym who deems it necessary to an ab workout in front of your face with his tight pants on. His man junk was all over the place, and I didn't want to see it.
3. When you accidentally fall asleep on the couch and you wake up to strangers that don't live in your building just staring at you. Erm good morning? Who are you?
4. Going to scrape off your car before church because a huge snow storm came, and you are almost done, it is cold, and then you just slip right to your death on the concrete. And no one sees. And if they did, they sure acted like they didn't, but I saw their laughs.
5. Walking up the stairs to a class on the most busy stairwell between one lecture class that just got out, and another going into the same room, and you fall. Not only did I trip up the stairs in front of 30+ people, but I didn't recover and ended up crawling up them the rest of the way. Yes, I said crawl.

1. Being at a huge dance party and dancing your pants off when you come to find that you lost your ID. In the thousands of people that were there one comes up after the dance and says, "hey is this yours, I found it." Oh thank the heavens because there was NO CHANCE that that sucker was ever to be claimed again.
2. Those two men on the bus that dress up in black unitard suits so not a pinch of their skin is being shown, and just when you think they are going to rob you, they come up and give you candy and say that they hope you have a happy valentine's day. Even though I don't eat candy from strangers, it was still thoughtful.
3. When all of your other roommates are either sick or dying you are the only one that doesn't have an illness. Go vitamin C!
4. Getting letters in the mail, simply the best, yet so surprising.
5. My new poncho. It was a guilt trip into buying, but it was fifteen dollars. Say Whaaa? Yes, you heard me, and how could I pass that up?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Black&White&Red All Over.

Lately I find myself catching up with an old friend who goes by the name of senioritis. He isn't a dear friend, and he convinces me to stay out later, wake up later, and not do anything that I should be i.e. homework, cleaning, etc. Isn't he just the best? So with that enchantment I now don't get dressed anymore, and I never do anything fun and exciting to post about. But you are in luck, because I just-so-happened to take pictures of the day I actually got ready. I just hope I don't get your hopes up that this will keep occurring because it is dead winter and I just want to be a hibernating bear.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Whatever the Prez Says...

And if he says that he doesn't want the world to work or go to school in celebration of him being in charge, then I guess we MUST comply. I mean, I'm not complaining or anything, I just think it is interesting that the world shuts down to celebrate dead guys. But thanks for the leadership. Go freedom.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Life Lately According to My iPord.

Life is pretty simple right now, no stresses, no complications, no complaints. Well, besides the weather being psychotic...but these are the moments when I typically need a change in my life, that point when I realize that I'm just letting it pass me by. Who knows, maybe I'll chop off my hair, get a tattoo, or go bungee jumping. Just kidding on that last one, bridges freak me out WAY too much. Or maybe I will just take this time to soak it all in, enjoy and relax, because it is already midterms for second semester and this year has passed me by much too quickly. Holy. Cow.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love can Shove it.

Okay call me bitter because no I am not dating someone and yes I am fully aware that it is Valentine's day, but really? I'm sorry but I am not a huge fan of having one day in particular where you are supposed to show your love by doing corny "romantic" things such as giving chocolates and teddy bears to prove your "affection". I believe that we should do these things everyday because we want to, not because we feel like we HAVE to. The cards, the flowers, the candy is all irrelevant to actually caring about someone. You want to show someone you love them? How about on a non-significant day you stay home all day with your significant other, make a fort, watch a chick flick because she wants too, and just be. No candles, no bubble baths, just two people stopping their lives to just take a moment and soak it in. But, for the rest of us that have nothing going on, were just going to go buy ourselves chocolate and eat away our feelings at the fact that we have no one except our cats. Until next year, stupid cupid.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Here Comes the Sun.

Now please don't ever leave me again; I don't think my white skin can handle it.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Awkward and Awesome Friday?

So I'm sorry for being a little lame-o and not posting at all lately. But for one, nothing too exciting is going on in my life right now, unless you want me to post about how I went grocery shopping, but also there has been NOTHING uncomfortably awkward in life lately...which is weird because your talkin' to the queen of anything totally bazaar.
And before we begin I would just like to point out that this was the boys idea to put on the yay cleavage shirt and I must say that they pull it off better because they have more cleavage than yours truly.
1. When your studying your little brains out at the library with friends and your trying your very hardest to be quiet but you are not good at whispering and some brat girl comes over to clearly point that out by saying, " um, you guys really need to be quiet or get out now." Woah woah woah, I'm sorry little miss but last time I checked you were not the owner of this library and clearly not wearing a badge. But whatever, I took her dirty look and stomped out of there as loudly as I could. HA.
2. For some reason whenever I feel uncomfortable, nervous, or awkward I now get super hot and my face just decides to turn as bright red as it can get without my control. So if the situation wasn't any more uncomfortable, now my face shows it.
3. That ONE TIME you forget put on deodrant in the morning because your running late and it just-so-happens to be the day that no one sits in your same row in class. Correlation?
4. When your riding on the bus ( and yes I am fully aware that I have an awkward bus moment at least once a week) anyway, when your riding the bus and it is super crowded and the man standing right in front of your face not only has his crotch staring at you, but his zipper is undone.
5. When a friend comes to visit at school and your in a room full of all your friends and he asks you, "Morgan how's your boyfriend doing?" Um, Wade, I don't have a boyfriend. "Oh, so you're going on dates right?" Um, no Wade I am not currently. But thanks for pointing out the fact that I don't talk to guys!!!

1. Breaking 1,000,000 on Temple Run finally. And yes, that is six zeros my friends.
2. Being done-o-la with all of my tests. And not to brag, but doing pretty dang good considering the fact that I had 5 of those suckers in less than a week.
3. All of these boys that I hang out with getting their mission calls. Holy mama, it is so exciting not only to see them making such good decisions, but watching their faces as they find out where they are going all over the world. Trust me, it's about enough to make your heart break from pure joy.
4. Finally getting over my fear of a public gym and not only going everyday, but lifting weights. Say Whaa? yes. Getting swoll, in public.
5. Getting a flight to Tempe. Only one month until I get to be in the sun, in the fun, and with my best friend!!!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The One Where Morgan Freaks Out.

Okay okay so I know I might not be the most clean roommate out of roommate history, but I don't know how much longer I can take it. There are dishes everywhere around the apartment, the garbage is full and smelly, and the entire kitchen looks like it is about to explode. Now I know what you are thinking, Morgan that is apart of life and it isn't always easy living with five other girls, well you know what? It shouldn't be so hard to wipe down a counter here and there!!! Maybe I'm just bitter because I just cleaned the kitchen, or maybe it's because I running on little sleep. But still, I think that maybe just maybe we could help each other out here and there, instead of waiting for my better half Kaela to come home from work and do it all. What a little provider she is.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Over The Weekend

Over the weekend I deemed it possible for me to do whatever I wanted and not feel like a lazy potato sack, or feel guilty but no means; and it worked. Between the five tests that I have had, I have been certain to reward myself with some down time. I am so good to myself...But to be honest, I am kind of over it now because I just feel like I have eaten nothing but crap for 72, and having a dirty room isn't all that cleansing to the soul. I guess it was a nice break while it lasted, but for now here's some snapshots.

 I thought these bowls were adorable.
 Cupcakes with NEON frosting.
 Cleaning the sink at Angies, with tatertots.
 Blacklight Bowling.
 Workouts and smoothies.
 The trials of bread picking.
Who Knows.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

L8r Sk8r

So how lucky am I to live in a town where entertainment is offered at such an inexpensive price? The luckiest. Because on Tuesdays down at the fun park they have so many activites that are dirt cheap my friends. There is bowling, games, laser tage, country dancing, I tell ya, there are endless possibilities. (Man, I should write them a commercial.) On Tuesdays they have rollerskating, but not only is it rollerskating, but 80's rollerskating. So it's a good excuse to wear bright red lip stick and sparkles without people giving you weird looks. But they rent out either roller blades (pish-posh) or roller skates and you just get down to the music without trying to fall down.