Friday, February 10, 2012

Awkward and Awesome Friday?

So I'm sorry for being a little lame-o and not posting at all lately. But for one, nothing too exciting is going on in my life right now, unless you want me to post about how I went grocery shopping, but also there has been NOTHING uncomfortably awkward in life lately...which is weird because your talkin' to the queen of anything totally bazaar.
And before we begin I would just like to point out that this was the boys idea to put on the yay cleavage shirt and I must say that they pull it off better because they have more cleavage than yours truly.
1. When your studying your little brains out at the library with friends and your trying your very hardest to be quiet but you are not good at whispering and some brat girl comes over to clearly point that out by saying, " um, you guys really need to be quiet or get out now." Woah woah woah, I'm sorry little miss but last time I checked you were not the owner of this library and clearly not wearing a badge. But whatever, I took her dirty look and stomped out of there as loudly as I could. HA.
2. For some reason whenever I feel uncomfortable, nervous, or awkward I now get super hot and my face just decides to turn as bright red as it can get without my control. So if the situation wasn't any more uncomfortable, now my face shows it.
3. That ONE TIME you forget put on deodrant in the morning because your running late and it just-so-happens to be the day that no one sits in your same row in class. Correlation?
4. When your riding on the bus ( and yes I am fully aware that I have an awkward bus moment at least once a week) anyway, when your riding the bus and it is super crowded and the man standing right in front of your face not only has his crotch staring at you, but his zipper is undone.
5. When a friend comes to visit at school and your in a room full of all your friends and he asks you, "Morgan how's your boyfriend doing?" Um, Wade, I don't have a boyfriend. "Oh, so you're going on dates right?" Um, no Wade I am not currently. But thanks for pointing out the fact that I don't talk to guys!!!

1. Breaking 1,000,000 on Temple Run finally. And yes, that is six zeros my friends.
2. Being done-o-la with all of my tests. And not to brag, but doing pretty dang good considering the fact that I had 5 of those suckers in less than a week.
3. All of these boys that I hang out with getting their mission calls. Holy mama, it is so exciting not only to see them making such good decisions, but watching their faces as they find out where they are going all over the world. Trust me, it's about enough to make your heart break from pure joy.
4. Finally getting over my fear of a public gym and not only going everyday, but lifting weights. Say Whaa? yes. Getting swoll, in public.
5. Getting a flight to Tempe. Only one month until I get to be in the sun, in the fun, and with my best friend!!!!

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