Thursday, February 23, 2012

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!

1. When you run into someone at the grocery store and they look at your cart and say, "wow, that's a ton of food." Um thank you rude girl for calling me fat? And then not two seconds later the guy at the register says, "wow, so how long does it take you to eat all of this food?" I AM NOT FAT.
2. That guy at the gym who deems it necessary to an ab workout in front of your face with his tight pants on. His man junk was all over the place, and I didn't want to see it.
3. When you accidentally fall asleep on the couch and you wake up to strangers that don't live in your building just staring at you. Erm good morning? Who are you?
4. Going to scrape off your car before church because a huge snow storm came, and you are almost done, it is cold, and then you just slip right to your death on the concrete. And no one sees. And if they did, they sure acted like they didn't, but I saw their laughs.
5. Walking up the stairs to a class on the most busy stairwell between one lecture class that just got out, and another going into the same room, and you fall. Not only did I trip up the stairs in front of 30+ people, but I didn't recover and ended up crawling up them the rest of the way. Yes, I said crawl.

1. Being at a huge dance party and dancing your pants off when you come to find that you lost your ID. In the thousands of people that were there one comes up after the dance and says, "hey is this yours, I found it." Oh thank the heavens because there was NO CHANCE that that sucker was ever to be claimed again.
2. Those two men on the bus that dress up in black unitard suits so not a pinch of their skin is being shown, and just when you think they are going to rob you, they come up and give you candy and say that they hope you have a happy valentine's day. Even though I don't eat candy from strangers, it was still thoughtful.
3. When all of your other roommates are either sick or dying you are the only one that doesn't have an illness. Go vitamin C!
4. Getting letters in the mail, simply the best, yet so surprising.
5. My new poncho. It was a guilt trip into buying, but it was fifteen dollars. Say Whaaa? Yes, you heard me, and how could I pass that up?

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