Wednesday, November 30, 2011

10 Things On my mind Right Now.

  1. I am terrible at picking out fruit at the store.
  2. "New Girl" is possibly one of my favorite shows.
  3. I love my new leggings that are thick, and indeed reversible.
  4. Even though it's snowing out, I don't want to wear a coat.
  5. Precisely two weeks until I am home.
  6. I talk about myself a lot, and should stop.
  7. Someone should really clean the dead flies off of the window sills.
  8. Melted chocolate and pretzels.
  9. Chipped nails.
  10. Life satisfaction.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Salt Lake, Utah (SL, UT)

In addition to eating my body weight in Thanksgiving delight, I also got the chance to spend time with most of my family. Since little step-sister is looking at the University of Utah (Gag me) my dad, step-mom, and step-sister flew into Salt Lake where we resided this past week. It was fun because we got the chance to catch up and shop around and work on wedding details. Can you believe that that is in almost a month. Kill me how fast time is going. Even though it was only for a couple of days, I really appreciated the time I got to spend with them. I also appreciated the fact that I don't live in the hectic town of Salt Lake, I am just fine with my cold little Logan.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here's a few to wrap up the long wonderful break that occurred this past few days. It started off by me driving to meet the family up in Salt Lake and spending quality time with them. We shopped around, hung out, drove to try and escape the hectic life of downtown, and ate wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at my grandparents and then it was bye bye back home for them. This only lead me to the land unknown, otherwise called Riverton, where I stayed in the Baucom's lovely abode. This is where we relaxed, ate food, napped (a lot), met family and friends, and basically wrapped it up with a drive back to Logan. This weekend slash break made me realize a couple of things: one, I have many blessings and things to be grateful for, and two I can't wait for Christmas and going home! Tis the season.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm So Stuffed, I'm GrateFULL.

So the other night we went over to a friend's and ate at a Thanksgiving-dinner-before-the-dinner dinner. Which was just as cute as it could get if you were in a room full of strangers eating spaghetti instead of turkey. Hey, I'll take free food whenever I could get it. BUT it actually turned out to be fun, and we discussed all the things that we were grateful for, like a real family. It made me realize that I have a lot to be grateful for; including homemade Thanksgiving dinner. But in all seriousness, I can't wait for the holidays that are swiftly arriving, and even more the chance to see my family tomorrow. Yipee! Happy Holidays!

Monday, November 21, 2011

You Know What I Love?

When Geeksquad tells you that you have two viruses on your computer and it takes two hundred dollars to fix. And you know what's even better? When your gas light is on and you have four hot chocolate packets left in your pantry as your only meal for two days. Yeah, it's gonna be a good week.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Eight is the number of inches of snow that will be on the ground tomorrow. It is also the number of months that the snow will remain for. Eight also just-so-happens to be how many layers of blankets I will have piled on me this weekend. Oh, and guess what else, it is also eight degrees inside my apartment because my lovely roommates like to play this let's-see-how-cold-we-can-get-inside-our-house-without-catching-hypothermia game. I swear, sometimes I just don't know how I will survive. How about we add a "y" onto that eight eh Logan?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!

  1. Walking in heels to go to church only to find that you step off the ledge and roll your ankle, thereby making your fall face first into the snow and showing up to church wet. This is my life.
  2. When you go to grab your binder for class and stopping to realize that your hand is stuck on a piece of green gum that is stuck to your binder, then realizing that you don't chew green gum...
  3. Going to take a drink of water in class and COMPLETELY missing your mouth. This causes the ENTIRE bottle of water to spill all over your clothes. And making you look like you just showered slash went swimming slash decided to go to Sea World.
  4. That guy who walks out of the library with no shoes on. Hey buddy, I'm not sure if you realize this...but... it's winter. And there is snow on the ground. So I'm sure whatever you are protesting can wait, because you will get frostbite. Stupid People.
  5. Going to the gym and having the whole place full of white people. What is the only t.v. channel that is on? Black Entertainment Television. (Not that I am racist, just the irony kills me)
  1. Having a meeting for church and before it starts Kaela and I got praised for being so nice and service-ful. It was so thoughtful, but then again I never know how to react to that...
  2. When a boy stands up on the bus so a girl can sit down. I swear, why can't all boys just be this nice.
  3. "I don't get why I don't get dates! I mean I wear a bra almost daily!"
  4. Talking to best friends. I clearly don't do it enough because an hour and a half goes by and boom, didn't even realize it. I can't wait to be home in just a few weeks. I miss my little buds. A lot.
  5. Registering until one in the morning last night. Why? Because it opened at midnight and the whole system crashed. This caused for one big scream throughout the entire campus. I heard it. I also can't believe this semester is almost over.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Meet Matt,

Matt is one of my friend's best buddy. What's a best buddy you ask? Well, it's a program that has volunteers team up with special needs civilians and they hang out about once a week. Let me tell you, it is an awesome program. WELL my friend Sarah is so kind enough to share her best buddy and let us hang out with him. I would consider us so lucky because he is the coolest, most funny, kind and caring guy anyone could ever meet. So, this weekend Kaela and I got the opportunity to bring Matt to Special Olympics on Saturday to participate in the bowling activity. Guys, it was so much fun. Not only did we get to hang out with Matt, but we got to bowl with so many other amazing people. I can't wait because we are going to go hang out with them every Saturday.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Just A Few More Pictures To Wrap Up The Weekend.

With the storm that blew through Logan and the snow that it left, this gave plenty of time to stay indoors and relax for once in my life. Of course the basketball game was the highlight, but other than that it was pretty low key. I'm not a complete couch potato, I accomplished some stuff too. I'm learning pretty quickly that there is only so much to do here while being cooped up indoors. Until then I'll find some ways to preoccupy my life until I can feel the sun shine again and the frost will stop building up on my face.

Monday, November 14, 2011

I Believe That We Did Win.

Watch these two videos and let your minds get blown because on Friday we beat BYU 69-62 in the most exhilerating game EVER. The game was literally within two points the entire time, well up until we dunked it like three times and took over, but that is besides the point. Our fans are literally nuts. We do these rituals every game and are constantly screaming. The BYU players even said that they hate playing at the Spectrum because our fans make it so hard to focus. Don't worry, the camping out for days and waiting in lines for hours was well worth our seats as well. Oh baby. PLUS Kaela and I were on t.v. boom. You think that you can try and find us? Just think of it as a where's waldo thing.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Preston, Prestoff.

What better things are there to do in Logan besides going to good old fashioned Preston, Idaho? Nothing, that's what. And that's exactly what we did. Friends and I hitched up the car and drove the LONG and VIGOROUS 25 mile drive to my wonderful home-state Idaho. Preston, also known for it's world debut in the classic hit movie Napoleon Dynamite welcomed us with open arms as we entered the lively city. We planned on going to the famous Cuttin Curral barber shop but was CRSUHED only to find that it was closed. On a Saturday. To help cope with our disappointment we went to Deseret Industries and ate lunch at someone else's birthday party. Only in Preston.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!

  1. Going to get gas and seeing that there is a petting zoo RIGHT next to the gas station. In the middle of no where. All it had was a zebra. Sounds like a rape case to me...
  2. Going into this stuck up bridal shop and having mother-in-law knock over one of the mannequins with a dress on. We'll just be leaving now thanks. And the dirty looks roll on.
  3. Finding over two months of expired carrots in the fridge. You guys are all disgusting. I think to myself, until I read the intials MH on the bag.... I still haven't told anyone.
  4. When your roommate sleep talks. Sure all it was was a repeating of what what what what what what. Hey clueless girl, how about you have a real conversation? One that I could maybe be entertained by since you are keeping me up with your nonesense.
  5. Sleeping in 10 degree weather between two guys and you jokingly ask, "SO... who wants to snuggle?" And they both say nothing. Theres a self-esteem booster right there for ya.
  1. The fact that H&M is opening their new store this weekend about one hour away.
  2. When the attractive guy in your math class wears glasses and has scruff. November might be my new favorite month.
  3. In addition to November, that means Thanksgiving, which means delicious food and a break from school. Only a few more weeks!
  4. Waking up early before class to go to the gym. But wait, AND you get to watch the Kardashians. Pure joy.
  5. Hearing from old friends you haven't talked to in it seems like forever. It is so good to catch up and hear how everyone is doing.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I'm working on the whole "faulty eye" thing.

Is how many miles I drove over the weekend to visit sister and help her with wedding details. It was a long drive let me tell you, but it was all worth it in the end because I got spend time doing plenty of activities. I got to Cedar City only to run into some snow and rain, which made me realize that I was NOT ready for winter. Lucky me, it is winter year around where I live. Anyway, there I caught up with McKenzie and we met up with her future in laws. OH MAN, my future little nephews are little punks, but they are cutest punks if I have ever seen any. (Don't worry, Maddux doesn't really look like that picture, its an app calm down.) After finally pushing through the snow we made our way to St. George and watch some soccer games and dress shopped. (Don't worry yet again, that isn't my sister's, although she did find one) and spent time together as a family. And then it was off back home for me and nestled safely in the warmth of my own home. I can't wait for the next few months until wedding time, but until then, live up the single life!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!

  1. When your troll doll costume falls apart and you look like a naked girl walking around and some random guys comes up and asks you what you are, and you reply with the story of how your costume falls apart and he just says,"well you suck at dressing up." and walks away.
  2. That guy who walks around campus in the BRIGHTEST of bright highlighter pink turtlenecks you might have seen in your life. With a middle parted mullet. Yes my friends.
  3. When a guy takes a picture of you and your friends, and when he is done he says, "do you guys want to take it again?" We reply with a, "nah, one should be okay." and he looks directly at you and says, "no...she is going to want you to retake it again."
  4. Falling asleep in the library. Which I mean isn't THAT bad, but when you do it in a common lounge and wake up only to find that everyone in the room is staring at you.... it'll make you want to pick up yourstuff and leave that very moment.
  5. When I say to a friend, "Hey Courtney, your friend Heidi is going on a date with my friend on Friday." And my friend replies, "Morgan, Heidi is standing right next to me." And then Heidi ( who I have met slash hung out with countless times) says, "I'm not going on a date on Friday...."
  1. Finding extra food in the freezer that you thought was gone forever ago, don't worry, it was still good to eat.
  2. Kaela FINALLY knows how to work the can opener!!!! Big day in our apartment.
  3. This curly thing that my hair has been doing lately. I don't know where it came from, but it requires me not to brush my hair, so I think that it will stay a while.
  4. When your professor has kidney stones and decides to cut class WAY shorter. I have no idea what is up with my professor's and their health issues, but it is really giving me the benefit.
  5. The fact that I get to see my sister tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fancy Pants.

So, a few nights ago friends and I went to a mock cocktail party, a mocktail party some would say. So we all dressed up in our black and white fancy clothes, and headed to the place that was hosting. There, we listened to jazz music and was served H'orderves and drank fancy drinks out of fancy glasses. (no alcohol kids, calm down) After we acted all sophisticated we went to the basement where we danced our pants off. But not literally because some people were in skirts. It was so much fun and made me have a greater appreciation for well dressed men. Hey-yo!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Show Me The Scottsman.

Guys. You have no idea how excited I am for basketball season. I went to a pre-season game during the weekend and fell in love. It wasn't even that good of game because we CREAMED but I mean it's fine. Aggie basketball is HUGE here and I am so lucky to be apart of it. Maybe it's because mascots fall from the ceiling, or the fact that our school has so much pride. Go figure. BUT in the meantime, enjoy this little clip to get you in the mood too. GO AGGIES.