Thursday, November 3, 2011

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!

  1. When your troll doll costume falls apart and you look like a naked girl walking around and some random guys comes up and asks you what you are, and you reply with the story of how your costume falls apart and he just says,"well you suck at dressing up." and walks away.
  2. That guy who walks around campus in the BRIGHTEST of bright highlighter pink turtlenecks you might have seen in your life. With a middle parted mullet. Yes my friends.
  3. When a guy takes a picture of you and your friends, and when he is done he says, "do you guys want to take it again?" We reply with a, "nah, one should be okay." and he looks directly at you and says, "no...she is going to want you to retake it again."
  4. Falling asleep in the library. Which I mean isn't THAT bad, but when you do it in a common lounge and wake up only to find that everyone in the room is staring at you.... it'll make you want to pick up yourstuff and leave that very moment.
  5. When I say to a friend, "Hey Courtney, your friend Heidi is going on a date with my friend on Friday." And my friend replies, "Morgan, Heidi is standing right next to me." And then Heidi ( who I have met slash hung out with countless times) says, "I'm not going on a date on Friday...."
  1. Finding extra food in the freezer that you thought was gone forever ago, don't worry, it was still good to eat.
  2. Kaela FINALLY knows how to work the can opener!!!! Big day in our apartment.
  3. This curly thing that my hair has been doing lately. I don't know where it came from, but it requires me not to brush my hair, so I think that it will stay a while.
  4. When your professor has kidney stones and decides to cut class WAY shorter. I have no idea what is up with my professor's and their health issues, but it is really giving me the benefit.
  5. The fact that I get to see my sister tomorrow!!!

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