Thursday, November 17, 2011

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!

  1. Walking in heels to go to church only to find that you step off the ledge and roll your ankle, thereby making your fall face first into the snow and showing up to church wet. This is my life.
  2. When you go to grab your binder for class and stopping to realize that your hand is stuck on a piece of green gum that is stuck to your binder, then realizing that you don't chew green gum...
  3. Going to take a drink of water in class and COMPLETELY missing your mouth. This causes the ENTIRE bottle of water to spill all over your clothes. And making you look like you just showered slash went swimming slash decided to go to Sea World.
  4. That guy who walks out of the library with no shoes on. Hey buddy, I'm not sure if you realize this...but... it's winter. And there is snow on the ground. So I'm sure whatever you are protesting can wait, because you will get frostbite. Stupid People.
  5. Going to the gym and having the whole place full of white people. What is the only t.v. channel that is on? Black Entertainment Television. (Not that I am racist, just the irony kills me)
  1. Having a meeting for church and before it starts Kaela and I got praised for being so nice and service-ful. It was so thoughtful, but then again I never know how to react to that...
  2. When a boy stands up on the bus so a girl can sit down. I swear, why can't all boys just be this nice.
  3. "I don't get why I don't get dates! I mean I wear a bra almost daily!"
  4. Talking to best friends. I clearly don't do it enough because an hour and a half goes by and boom, didn't even realize it. I can't wait to be home in just a few weeks. I miss my little buds. A lot.
  5. Registering until one in the morning last night. Why? Because it opened at midnight and the whole system crashed. This caused for one big scream throughout the entire campus. I heard it. I also can't believe this semester is almost over.

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