Friday, September 30, 2011


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! And yeah okay it was yesterday, but still. You can always celebrate your birthday for weeks after, right? I hope you had a wonderful day because you deserve it. And even though that woman at the store had NO IDEA what she was talking about with that dang discount, I still think that you are great and I hope you know how much I love you and appreciate you.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Awkward And Awesome Thurzday!

  1. When a car pulls up beside you when you are walking home from class and you start talking to them and then realizing that they were picking up the girl walking behind you.
  2. Sitting in a big class and you go to take a drink of water and it goes down the wrong pipe. So of course I start having a coughing attack and can't stop. Then people start laughing which makes you laugh and cough at the same time which ultimately leads to your professor giving you the stink eye.
  3. The person eating canned peaches at a football game. IN THE CAN. I swear these Utah kids... first sandwhich boy and now peach girl. They should fall in love.
  4. Laying down on the ground on the public library and having someone else walk on your back to pop it.
  5. Seeing that guy walk around with a band-aid on the hamstring of his pants. For one, how did the band-aid get there? And two, do I go say something to the guy because I would want to know. Gross.
  6. Going to the wrong church for Relief Society. Showing up to the real one and having a room full of 40 girls just stare at you. Not only are you late, but no, RIGHT when you walk in they start an activity. And since you were gone you don't know how to do the activity. Guess who was sitting at the beginning of the line and was LUCKY enough to go first?
  1. That guy at the Wal-Mart who buys over ten packages of trading cards alone. Full of ten cards each easily. Man, if only I had that kind of money.
  2. Playing Apples To Apples and having the topic be Visionary. What card did I win the round with? Hellen Keller.
  3. Getting A's on my college tests. I was even surprised I got into college let alone might be doing okay.
  4. Getting a text saying that the Red Sox lost, and then two seconds after opening the text someone else asks if the Red Sox lost, and the look on their face in shock that right away I just-so-happened to say, "Yes, they did. They aren't going to the playoffs."
  5. This weekend being Conference weekend!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

These Are How I Feel Lately.

With all this math giong on everywhere I'm sick of it!

It's day two of the junk food thing, I'm already feeling the darkness and chaos.

This just made me happy, no reason.

And I also had another one that said "I wanted to clean up other people's messes, so I became a mom". Yeah I'm the mom of our apartment.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Lips, Blue Fish.

Today marks off the beginning of the no junkfood challenge! FOR 21 DAYS I am no longer allowed to eat:
  • chocolate
  • candy biscuits and cookies
  • cake, donuts, and muffins
  • pastries
  • white bread
  • chips
  • fast food
  • nutella or other naughty spreads
  • ice cream (including Aggie Ice Cream, oh gol.)
PLEASE wish my little body good luck because it needs its daily spoonful of nutella.

Monday, September 26, 2011

I Don't Want The Weekend To End

This was a rather busy weekend my friends. It was Homecoming here at USU and let me tell you, we came home and crashed. Between homecoming games and breaking world records and true aggie night and camping out along with movies and games and dance parties and dinners and parades, I needed to catch up on some sleep. Especially because my little white blood cells aren't fighting off my cold! Oh no I need to drink more nyquill... because not only do I need to get rid of this junk, but I need to catch up on some sleep! (As I write this at midnight instead of studying for a philosophy test) MAN. What great priorities I have. Wish me luck for the week because right now I'm living off of the weekend.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Sicky Sicky Gnar Gnar

Last night me and the girls went to watch our friends flag football game. The sixty niners slash gnargoyles were going into the game undefeated. Unofrtunately they had a rough night and got away with a close defeat. Minutes passed as each down came closer and closer to the endzone. As my body came closer and closer to the fireplace. I'm proud of the boys, but I don't know how much more I can take of this cold. It's September. Tomorrow we watch some real football. GO AGGIES.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!

  1. Minding my own little business while walking to class when out of nowhere I go to turn around the corner and BAM biker in my face. She screamed. I screamed. And we were not screaming for ice cream my friends. I thought my life was flashing before my eyes, and the only thing flashing before her eyes was the bushes. Female drivers I swear.
  2. Sitting in my math class composed of about forty people, when in mid-lesson I look over and a girl is full on brushing her hair.
  3. Driving to my english conference when I go to get a big sip of my half melted otter pop and splat. The entire tube (is that what they are, tubes?) spilled ALL down my pants. Here, let me walk across campus and into my english meeting with my professor looking like a peed myself.
  4. That face you make when you have to sneeze, but you can't. So you look like a scrumched up pug. I love being sick.
  5. Eating cheerios in class when one decides to roll away right in the middle of the lecture floor. Don't you worry my pretties. I was alone and in the front row. Do I go pick it up?
  1. Making my bed for the first time since moving in. It has been over a month.
  2. Opening a package in the mail from some unknown company, not being addressed to anyone specific, and finding two dollars in it. Thats at least 10 Ramen packages. Cha-ching.
  3. Walking home from class with Kaela and laughing because I am so hilarious, only to find a car full of boys drive by and one yelling out the window, "LAUGHING, LAUGHING, LAUGHING." Until the car was out of sight.
  4. Those boys in the building who stacked their beds on top of each other and made homemade bunk beds. "Hey, do you like guacomole?" HA. HA. HA.
  5. Getting a good grade on my first college test in Psychology. Which doesn't sound all too impressive, but when you thought you did a shatbag job. It's a nice little surprise.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sorry I Have A Lips, I Mean Lisp.

Today I am in the mood to play dress up and not post or go to school. Unless there was a cute little school girl outfit. But not the ones that you dress up in for for halloween. I might get a little too many dirty looks. Speaking of dressin up, halloween is coming up and we need to start thinking of some fancy costumes! Cheers for Wednesday.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I Cleaned Angie's Sink.

Who is Angie and why am I cleaning her sink you ask? Well, I couldn't tell you who Angie is, but I would be more than happy to tell you about her sink. You see, here in Logan it is tradition to go to this restaraunt called "Angies: where the locals eat". Apparently it is where the locals eat. And now since I am considering myself a local, it's only more than necessary that I eat at Angies. SO, they have this challenge where they put over a gallon of ice cream with three toppings in a sink, and you have to eat it. If you do it, there is no time limit, there are no amount of people who can help, but you still have to pay. BUT you do get a bumper sticker...for $1.00. Needless to say that me and two other kids cleaned that sink, and we cleaned it real good.

Monday, September 19, 2011

I'm A Weekend Warrior

Between fight nights, just dance, baking, sleepovers, volleyball, eating, and just down right craziness, this girl is WORN. OUT. The weekend started out slowly just a typical night hanging out with friends. I was already dead from the week before, but I needed a break. I think I deserved a little bit of fun right? But sure enough it picked up on me and zoomed by quicker than quick. Yesterday I found myself after church doing not homework, but movies, volleyball, cemetery trips, and painting the streets until midnight. Where are my priorities? Overall, it was a good weekend, but now I have a cold and I am in a lack of sleep daze. Hopefully this homecoming week goes by as quickly as the weekend.

Friday, September 16, 2011

You're A Peach.

So last weekend some friends and I went to the Peach Festival in Brigham City. First we went to Sarah's grandparents quaint little home and had a precious little lunch. Afterwards me and the girls went to the Peach Days and walked around. There were little shops to go through, a market place, a fair, and of course peaches. Don't worry little guys, I was a good girl and didn't even spend a dime. But I did invest in a car drawing so....fingers crossed. When I win I will share the new ride with all you guys. Think of it as my own little giveaway. Have a good weekend!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!

  1. That one kid, you know the one, that not only brings a homemade sandwhich, but eats a ham and cheese sandwhich next to you at a football game. What? Of all things? And then gradually eat in for twenty minutes. Hey, may I have a bite?
  2. Walking by another housing building after class and all of the sudden the fire alarm goes off. What's the first thing I hear? I DON'T HAVE A BRA ON! Man, because the first thing I worry about when my house is on fire is having no bra.
  3. Wearing my new combat boots to class, and not realizing that they needed to be broken in. My first class was fifteen minutes away and I already couldn't handle the pain. So, after class I took my shoes off and carried them around campus. Not only did I decide to wear a bright yellow sock and a mismatched cheetah one, oh, but I also ended up walking around campus for three hours straight!
  4. Walking around with my headphones on completely oblivous to the outside world when all of the sudden a big hand slaps on my shoulder. It's a kid chasing me saying that he had been calling my name and running after me for a few minutes. Sorry about that one.
  5. Going to the bathroom inbetween class and going to reach for the toilet paper and no matter how many times the wheel spins around, there wasn't an end. It's like my own personally cat toy while I go pee. AND not only was that bad enough but there was another girl in the bathroom who didn't make a sound while I was in there, until the toilet flushed.
  1. Not only did I get to sleep in this morning because class was cancelled, but I woke up to a nice little text saying I baked you some blue berry muffins, have a good day! Sometimes I just love my little roommates.
  2. This random guy who decided to make his own little way around campus by connecting one wheel to each shoe and almost ice skating to class. It was incredible.
  3. That group of boys who just randomly come into our building with a boom box on their shoulders dancing on our floor and then leaving. So friendly here.
  4. The fact that I now live in Cache Valley, our taxis deemed in necessary to call themselves "The Cache Cab". I thought that was creative, but I bet none of them actually let you play the real Cash Cab game in them.
  5. This man, oh if ya'll could have seen this man. A full grown adult, maybe in his forties, walking around in his eighties outfit with the best slash worst mullet I have never seen in my life. I mean the poof was huge and square, and the mullet was long and tangly. Talk about business in the front, party in the back.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What Would You Do?

I was there. I saw the flames, I saw the smoke. Did I stop to think about it? How could I help? No, I just assumed someone else had already called 911. I could have cost a life. Next time you hear a cry for help, don't just assume. Take action.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Just Danced My Pants Off.

This is my roommate Kaela. This is what is overcoming my homework. Pray for me.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Freakend.

These are just a few pictures that captured the past weekend events. On Friday me and the new kids on the block (in my building) took a little trip down yonder to the Bear Lake. It was so cold, but so fun! Afterwards we went to LeBeaus and had some of the most amazing burgers fries and shakes. EVER. Later that evening some friends and myself drove to the back of the canyon and camped. And yet again, I was cold. But then again all I had was a thin quilt. We woke up the next morning to find screaming children and naked men. Saturday consisted of peach fairs and the Utah State football game, to which we won. Sunday I woke up and threw up and was lying on my death bed. What a great end to a great weekend.