Thursday, September 22, 2011

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!

  1. Minding my own little business while walking to class when out of nowhere I go to turn around the corner and BAM biker in my face. She screamed. I screamed. And we were not screaming for ice cream my friends. I thought my life was flashing before my eyes, and the only thing flashing before her eyes was the bushes. Female drivers I swear.
  2. Sitting in my math class composed of about forty people, when in mid-lesson I look over and a girl is full on brushing her hair.
  3. Driving to my english conference when I go to get a big sip of my half melted otter pop and splat. The entire tube (is that what they are, tubes?) spilled ALL down my pants. Here, let me walk across campus and into my english meeting with my professor looking like a peed myself.
  4. That face you make when you have to sneeze, but you can't. So you look like a scrumched up pug. I love being sick.
  5. Eating cheerios in class when one decides to roll away right in the middle of the lecture floor. Don't you worry my pretties. I was alone and in the front row. Do I go pick it up?
  1. Making my bed for the first time since moving in. It has been over a month.
  2. Opening a package in the mail from some unknown company, not being addressed to anyone specific, and finding two dollars in it. Thats at least 10 Ramen packages. Cha-ching.
  3. Walking home from class with Kaela and laughing because I am so hilarious, only to find a car full of boys drive by and one yelling out the window, "LAUGHING, LAUGHING, LAUGHING." Until the car was out of sight.
  4. Those boys in the building who stacked their beds on top of each other and made homemade bunk beds. "Hey, do you like guacomole?" HA. HA. HA.
  5. Getting a good grade on my first college test in Psychology. Which doesn't sound all too impressive, but when you thought you did a shatbag job. It's a nice little surprise.

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