Thursday, September 29, 2011

Awkward And Awesome Thurzday!

  1. When a car pulls up beside you when you are walking home from class and you start talking to them and then realizing that they were picking up the girl walking behind you.
  2. Sitting in a big class and you go to take a drink of water and it goes down the wrong pipe. So of course I start having a coughing attack and can't stop. Then people start laughing which makes you laugh and cough at the same time which ultimately leads to your professor giving you the stink eye.
  3. The person eating canned peaches at a football game. IN THE CAN. I swear these Utah kids... first sandwhich boy and now peach girl. They should fall in love.
  4. Laying down on the ground on the public library and having someone else walk on your back to pop it.
  5. Seeing that guy walk around with a band-aid on the hamstring of his pants. For one, how did the band-aid get there? And two, do I go say something to the guy because I would want to know. Gross.
  6. Going to the wrong church for Relief Society. Showing up to the real one and having a room full of 40 girls just stare at you. Not only are you late, but no, RIGHT when you walk in they start an activity. And since you were gone you don't know how to do the activity. Guess who was sitting at the beginning of the line and was LUCKY enough to go first?
  1. That guy at the Wal-Mart who buys over ten packages of trading cards alone. Full of ten cards each easily. Man, if only I had that kind of money.
  2. Playing Apples To Apples and having the topic be Visionary. What card did I win the round with? Hellen Keller.
  3. Getting A's on my college tests. I was even surprised I got into college let alone might be doing okay.
  4. Getting a text saying that the Red Sox lost, and then two seconds after opening the text someone else asks if the Red Sox lost, and the look on their face in shock that right away I just-so-happened to say, "Yes, they did. They aren't going to the playoffs."
  5. This weekend being Conference weekend!!

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