Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I'm leavinnnnng.

As if I have been posting tons lately anyway, I am going up to this cabin today, and will be lacking on the posting for the rest of the week. I know, I know, as if so many people read this and are dependable on it. I'M SORRY OKAY!? But, I will post about all my adventures next week, because I feel like I am stocked up, so don't you worry little pretties.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Happy Holidays! This Christmas was a little bit different this year, considering the fact that half of my family was gone, but it was still such a good time! We ate Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve because only some family could make it, and then woke up early Christmas Eve to watch step-brother and his fiance open their presents. Then Christmas Eve we watched our favorite Christmas movies together and did our traditional pajama opening. Early on Sunday step-sister and I woke up and opened our presents with dad and step-mom. It was nice to recieve such meaningful gifts and share memories together. After the excitement I went to church and recieved messages pertaining to the savior's birth. I think that is something that I struggle with the most during this holiday season, is finding what truly we are celebrating. This year I tried to focus more on that I am very grateful for the message and spirit that it brings. I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays too!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I Suck.

I'm so sorry, I guess I have just been to lazy slash busy to post about my "crazy" life. In a nut shell, I have been working, hanging with friends, Christmas shopping, saying goodbye to missionaries, and overall enjoying my break. I feel indifferent about being home, and actually miss Logan. Can't say I didn't see it coming.

Monday, December 19, 2011


Between finals, and moving, and traveling, and being home this girl is stressed out. But luckily that is all over and now I can finally take a break! To start out the break my Aggies go the chance to go to the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl to try and claim their title, but unfortunately we lost in the last 20 seconds. Shocker. BUT it was still way fun because Kaela's dad got us VIP tickets so we got to hang out in the heated tents eating free food and watching the game. We also had an extra ticket so little miss Kyra (remember her?) got to come with me! It was cold, but still fun. Go Aggies!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Crepery Rapery.

You know, sometimes you just have to take a study break. Which is perfectly fine in all cases of pre-finals week. And yeah, maybe you do work up an appetite, and yeah maybe you do fill your needs with a little crepe lovin, but that is perfectly acceptable becauuse you have been studying your little tail end off and deserve it. So what if you eat four, or ten, because you need to give your noggin some brain food anyway. My finals are going to get crepe raped that's for sure.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!

  1. When you trip stepping onto the bus, when the bus is full. And everyone just stares at you. Lone behold I have arrived, now take me to where I'm going.
  2. When you have to break down into groups in your english class and your group is full of kids that have never even talked before. So you ask," does anyone else think these groups are awkward?" And no one replies.
  3. When the bus is full of people and the driver says everyone move on the count of three. 1,2,3 and one kid shouts out, AMERICA! Shut up kid, no one wants to hear you.
  4. Showing up to your night class late. Not only is everyone staring at you already, but since it is negative degrees out you show up with your face frozen, red, and your eyes are watering. "Are you okay? Have you been crying?" Um no, I just walked through the tundra to get here. Back off.
  5. When you go to purchase a sweater at the D.I. the same day that it just so happens to be an ugly sweater dance when the cashier asks you, "oh, is this for the ugly sweater dance?" Um no good civilian, it is actually for my own personal style so thanks for calling it ugly.
  1. That guy who walks around campus in the same exact costume from the movie ELF. Not just any costume, the same EXACT costume. We're talking yellow tights here people.
  2. The boy across the hall who thinks that he is Betty Crocker and makes us a different dessert on a weekly basis. Bless him.
  3. Making beef for the first time since I have been at school. And not ruining it. Oh sweet meat you have never tasted so good.
  4. When both of your classes for the day have cut themselves short. Boom. More study time. (Yeah Right.)
  5. When you bring your Ipod in the shower and you sing your little heart out because you are stressed and you come to find that the front door has been open the entire time. Embrace it people.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Is Gatsby Really That Great?

So the other night Miss Kaela and I got the opportunity to attend the lovely Gatsby Gala hosted by one of the campuses Fraternities. It was legitamentally official though because we even had to be admitted on a guestlist. Who would of thought that they didn't know us already? What fools. But we were welcomed to fancy drinks, poker tables, and a dance floor. It felt like we were actually in the twenties with all of the fancy clothes and dancing that we saw. Needless to say, I think that I was born in the wrong generation.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I Made A Brunettebread House.

To celebrate the Christmas cheer that has been raging through our house the roommates and I decided to make some gingerbread houses. And by ginger bread I mean graham crackers. I think it is needless to say that between six girls flinging icing and candy all over the place the kitchen became a mess. But it was all worth it in the end because we made a whole neighborhood of sugar. I even took the next step a put a picture of a ginger on my house to keep that ''ginger" spirit. Nonetheless I say that I won the deocrating competition just because of that. I mean, it's called gingerbread for a reason right?

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Things That I Have Learned

Over the past few months let's recap some life lessons learned:
  1. You can survive off of mac and cheese for a week.
  2. You do need to take the card board off of the bottom of the pan before cooking.
  3. Dead flies aren't going to pick themselves up.
  4. You won't get hypothermia by not wearing a coat in 4 degree weather.
  5. Fruits and vegetables do go bad.
  6. Whites + red sock does in fact equal pink towels.
  7. Meat can be cooked all of the way through.
  8. The bed doesn't make itself.
  9. Getting mail makes you feel important.
  10. You will always need moms, dads, and best friends.
First Day Of School
Current Day- I've Grow So Much.

Friday, December 2, 2011

It's Snowing And I'm Eating Ice Cream.

My friend Jessica had a birthday the other day, so as friends we all decided to go out to dinner. (Just an insider, birthdays aren't as great as you get older) We went to one of our local Cafe Rios, which is like Costa Vida, only better. There we ate and sang and got ready to go to the basketball game. After dinner we watched some Aggie basketball, which is so much better with Dippin' Dots, and hung out with friends. I think that we should have birthdays more often. Cheers to a good weekend.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Awesome And Awkward Thursday!

  1. That guy on the bus who you sit right next to that is seriously picking his nose. So then you kind of glance to let him know that, "hey buddy, you're in public" and he looks at you and acts like he has done nothing wrong the entire time.
  2. Going to Lowes. I can't tell you how uncomfortable I felt. Between the large cart pushing, and the running up and down the ailses and the weird looks, you would think that I was some priss in a prom gown at how many disgusted looks I got.
  3. Dad, oh poor dad please bless his heart, while eating lunch at Zupas he goes to grab sister and I some napkins because apparently we give off that I have crap all over my face look (which is embarrassing within itself) and as he goes to grab a napkin he ends up knocking not only the spoons, but the forks, and the knives all to the ground. The entire restaraunt just stops to stare, and he only got one napkin.
  4. The look on the girl's face when she realized that she walked into the wrong room, started having a normal conversation as if we were her roommates, sets her stuff down, only to find that she was one floor below...
  5. When you are standing in a bus consumed with 80+ people and the guy next to you asks, "Hey, have you ever tried powdered milk? Once you do you can never go back to regular milk." Um no good sir, I haven't, and I don't intend on trying any in the near future thank you. But instead we end up having a conversation about milk. It was a 20 minute ride.
  1. When a girl walks up to you and says, "Have you ever heard of Pinterest?" Um yes, I don't live under a rock. "Well, you look exactly like a model on that cite, you belong on there." I almost kissed her, just about.
  2. That elderly couple that is on the Kiss Cam at the basketball game. And when the husband doesn't kiss his wife, an elderly stranger leans down from the row above and kisses her!
  3. Getting new boots, a coat, hat and gloves while in Salt Lake. Mmm.. okay winter now you can bring on the snow.
  4. My new coffee cup. It's so dang cute and now I get to prance around with hot chocolate while other people just have to sit in class and suffer.  It's the little things people, I'm tellin ya.
  5. It's December. It's December?! That is just too ridiculous.