Thursday, December 8, 2011

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!

  1. When you trip stepping onto the bus, when the bus is full. And everyone just stares at you. Lone behold I have arrived, now take me to where I'm going.
  2. When you have to break down into groups in your english class and your group is full of kids that have never even talked before. So you ask," does anyone else think these groups are awkward?" And no one replies.
  3. When the bus is full of people and the driver says everyone move on the count of three. 1,2,3 and one kid shouts out, AMERICA! Shut up kid, no one wants to hear you.
  4. Showing up to your night class late. Not only is everyone staring at you already, but since it is negative degrees out you show up with your face frozen, red, and your eyes are watering. "Are you okay? Have you been crying?" Um no, I just walked through the tundra to get here. Back off.
  5. When you go to purchase a sweater at the D.I. the same day that it just so happens to be an ugly sweater dance when the cashier asks you, "oh, is this for the ugly sweater dance?" Um no good civilian, it is actually for my own personal style so thanks for calling it ugly.
  1. That guy who walks around campus in the same exact costume from the movie ELF. Not just any costume, the same EXACT costume. We're talking yellow tights here people.
  2. The boy across the hall who thinks that he is Betty Crocker and makes us a different dessert on a weekly basis. Bless him.
  3. Making beef for the first time since I have been at school. And not ruining it. Oh sweet meat you have never tasted so good.
  4. When both of your classes for the day have cut themselves short. Boom. More study time. (Yeah Right.)
  5. When you bring your Ipod in the shower and you sing your little heart out because you are stressed and you come to find that the front door has been open the entire time. Embrace it people.

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