Wednesday, January 18, 2012

USU Special Olympics: Regional Edition

Kaela And Travis

Me and Devon

Vicki really like that Deal or No Deal Game
Good morning! So on Friday Kaela and I got the opportunity to participate in Regionals for Special Olympics. Which is basically when a bunch of different areas that support Special Olympics get together and "compete" against one another. What was so great about it was that we got to wake up at 6 a.m. and get on the bus to go to Ogden. Which would be totally fine if it wasn't for the fact that it was early in the morning, we couldn't find where the bus was picking us up, and I am NOT a morning person. But other than that I put on my happy pants and was surprised that they even let us on. After the trip we arrived to the alley and geared up for some fun.
Well, it was a little disorganized so the athletes were confused on when and where to bowl, I was stressed because I didn't really know either, and everyone just wanted to bowl. Eventually our players got set up and were locked and ready to go. Each bowler bowled three games and competed against the other athletes on their lanes. It was so much fun to see how everyone was enjoying themselves and just appreciated the event. It just goes to show you how grateful you can be to have your life because these people have daily struggles, and are so happy to be alive, that even another's company, or a bronze metal can cheer them up. Overall, it was a absolute joy of a day, but very long.

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