Thursday, January 12, 2012

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!

1. When you are walking around barefoot in a hotel and you step in gum. Who wants a piece?
2. Driving back home when you look over and see a man driving, and woman reclined with a facemask over her face. a ski mask, but the masks that your dentists wear. My family was rather concerned.
3. Sitting and keeping to myself just reading for my institutions class when a bumch of African-Americans walk by. (No, I am not racist) and realizing that when I looked at my book across the top in large letters it read: AFRICAN SLAVERY.
4. That kid who sits next to you in class and instead of listening and taking notes on the lecture he sleeps. And not only does he sleep on you, but he snores. loud people. And when he wakes up? Um...hey? Can you please not use me as a pillow the next time to decide to waste your time in the class? THANKS.
5. When you're at the gym and this kid says, "Darn, I forgot my waterbottle." Me, being the friendly and polite person that I am reply, "If you want you can have some of mine." (mind you I have never seen slash met this boy before) He just gives me a weird look and says, "no....I'm good..." BUT don't worry because I have now seen him everyday since then at the gym.

1. You know, there is just one thing that I love more than anything on earth and it is grandpa kisses. As weird as that may sound, my grandpa still percieves me as a little girl so when I see him, which isn't often, he kisses me. And yes, that is the only kisses I get from boys now.
2. Coming back from break thinking that you have NO food whatsoever, and realizing in the verrrry back of the freezer is one piece of chicken that you didn't eat. Good feeling my friends.
3. New semester, and new priorites. Who would have thought that I would be studying, but staying ahead of schedule? Talk about straight A's.
4. Waffles at midnight. There is just something about eating breakfast food not only for dinner, but in the middle of the night with friends. Such a bonding experience. Even though the new kids in our building think we're crazy anyway.
5. Feeling crazy sore. I know that sounds lame, but for me I never get sore, so when I do that's when I actually feel accomplished. Hooray for no freshman fifteen! Yet.

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