Thursday, October 6, 2011

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!

  1. Going to Jamba and having your name called when your smoothie is ready thereby making it acceptable for the guy in line to come up and say, "Morgan, so what did you order?" Um, not you creep-o.
  2. Bringing to everyones attention the guy standing in his window dancing. Thinking it was funny until you realize that he was just washing his windows...
  3. That weird croaking noise you make when you yawn, you know the one. That sounds like you are choking on air, and then your entire english class stares at you because NO ONE talks in that class.
  4. Watching a kid from across the street crash on his longboard and roll for a few feet. No one being around except for Madi and I, we questioned whether or not to go help the poor kid...
  5. The fact that it is the sixth of October and there is already snow on the ground. UM ARE YOU KIDDING ME? This is more awful than awkward, but still nonetheless flat out terrible.
  1. Going to Texas Roadhouse and seeing the entire place filled with men in white shirts and ties. I love the priesthood.
  2. Those kids who bring a pitcher to the slurpee machine, as if big gulps weren't big enough for ya.
  3. The boyfriend who holds the unbrella over his girlfriend as they walk from class to class, but not over himself. Just precious, so precious it's almost sickening.
  4. Having the cleanest house in our building, still can't get over that. Now only if we can live it up...
  5. Getting to watch The Office in class. Psychology my new favorite class? I'll go with a yes.

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