Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!

  1. Driving on the road and seeing a "Just Married" car. Expecting to look over and see a happy couple, but seeing a woman driving in her dress sitting next to a groom. They both looked pissed. Have a happy rest of your lives together.
  2. Reading outloud and seeing the school name Howard. And reading it as Hogwartz. How? Don't ask me.
  3. Knowing people for over six years and having them JUST discover your first name is Morgan.
  4. You know when you are so tired and you are sitting up and you are in class so you can't sleep? So you do the thing where you fall asleep, but then your head drops and wakes you up? Yeah, happened to me. For an hour.
  5. Me walking in the middle of the sidewalk, still adjusting to the whole "people riding up behind you on their bikes and not saying anything so they almost run you over" until today. When one kid says, "on your right". And so what do I do? Go to the right side and nearly get run over.
  1. The kid in the building who sees me studying and asks if I want anything from Jamba Juice. Trying to be polite, I say no, but thank you, and yet the kid still brings the stressed girl Jamba.
  2. The boy across the hall that offers to make me a sandwich. THAT'S RIGHT LADIES AND GENTS A BOY OFFERING TO MAKE THE SANDWICH.
  3. Automatic drinking fountains, who knew?
  4. Walking past the education building where they have a teacher statue teaching students. Someone wonderfully put a Coke can in the teachers hand. Thanks for the laugh.
  5. Seeing my best friend over the past few days. I desperately miss her and her humor. The girl just gets me. Hope to see you soon little rinny.

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