Thursday, September 1, 2011

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!

  1. Living right next door to a cemetary can sometimes be a little creepy. But who knew it could be so awkward too? So, walking past the graveyard to get to class and there is a funeral going on. All of the sudden you hear the procession playing the song "Viva La Vida". Viva La Vida in spanish literally means live the life...irony.
  2. Being early to class so you go waste your time in the library. Long behold your stomach growls and so you whip out your handy dandy granola bar. NO. Libraries literally are silent and everyone looks at you if your wrapper makes a SLIGHT noise. Erm... hey...just eatin a snack, nice to meet you?
  3. You know how when you buy new pans there is cardboard inbetween them so they dont scratch? I didn't. And I ended up causing a kitchen fire. You've raised me well parents.
  4. Going to the health clinic to help Kaela with her shot and walking up to the counter, noticing a jar full of what looked like free hand santizer wipes, asking, "hey, what are these?" to the receptionist. LONG PAUSE....condoms.
  5. Meeting and talking with new friends. Like new new. Hearing something funny with a mouth full of carrots thereby spitting chewed up carrots EVERYWHERE. I am now known as carrot girl.
  1. Being in church and having the Relief Society room packed full with people. Everytime a girl walked into the room a Priesthood holder would stand up and give her the chair. As soon as you know it all the boys were standing, and all the girls were sitting. Most precious thing ever. Chivarly is not dead my friends.
  2. Making smores in the oven, and not catching anything on fire. Woop!
  3. That one car that drives around town that is painted like a girraffe. A girraffe kids. How can you not be happy by that?
  4. How many antique and thrift stores are in this place. I mean come on, I am in heaven. This whole, "trying not to spend money thing"...yeah we'll see about that...
  5. Playing the guitar and singing last night. A kid literally walks out of his room with a frantic look on his face. He says, "Who is singing and playing the guitar?!" I reply with a shy face and He looks at me and says, that was amazing. I thought that was someone playing a Taylor Swift CD. I about married that kid right on the spot because I was so happy.

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