Tuesday, January 31, 2012

You Know That It's One of Those Days When...

You know that it's one of those days when you sleep on the couch, all your nails are bitten off, your hair is falling out, and you just want to crawl into bed with hot chocolate and now come out of the covers for 24 hours in hopes that you have somehow formed a cacoon of refreshment. But that's not the case. Instead, your sitting through class, eating, and somehow finding EVERY way possible not to study for the four tests you have this week which are causing you grief because you are just a little girl and can't handle it. But then you get a present in the mail that just turns life around, and dad says, "it's okay Morgan, I will still love you even if you do fail in all of your classes." And that's what matters most. So please excuse me while I go eat my feelings away with salt and vinegar chips.

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