Thursday, October 13, 2011

Awkward And Awesome Thursday!

  1. When the doctor asks you if you are 1. married 2. sleeping with one man 3. sleeping with multiple men and you answer no to all of the questions and she has a puzzled look on her face. Apparently I just give off that "hey I'm a sleeze" look.
  2. Driving in the car when a little spider comes cascading from the ceiling in front of your face. Then making that ultimate decision of swerving into another car out of fear, or letting the spider dangle in front of you. Don't worry, the spider also had spider friends. They reproduced more spiders in my car. I'm afraid to drive.
  3. Walking around in stilettos parading around and discussing how impressed I was with myself for not tripping all day. At that moment I trip on a rug, roll my ankle, and fall on my face. It's okay though because the kids in my building watch me.
  4. Eating plums in the kitchen when a friend says, "hey you should try spitting the seed up in the air and catching it back in your mouth." So of course I took that as a challenge and tried it. Only to find that I did it, and then managed to have the seed fall straight to the back of my throat and choke. Litterally choke.
  5. Having the fire alarm go off and the whole building has to do an emergency evacuation. Don't you worry, I was in the shower.
  1. Walking into class to see that my professor made everyone in the class chocolate cake. Too bad I don't like cake, don't like chocolate, and I'm still on the 21 day challenge. But it's still cool that she did that...I hope she put laxatives in it.
  2. Taking a bath at Midnight. I don't know why it is so much better at a later hour, but it is folks.
  3. Looking EVERYWHERE for my house key only to find that it snugged itself into my gum package. I'm not sure how it got there, but I found it nontheless.
  4. Discovering the BEST recipe for homemade potato chips. They are healthy for you, and taste like a dream.
  5. Not having my Humanitites class for the whole week. Thereby giving me days to sleep in. I mean, sorry Professor Sherlock for your emergency surgery and all...but thank YOU.

1 comment:

  1. Haha Morgan I still read your blog all the time and I just wanted to tell you that I thought today's post was especially funny. You are hilarious. I always look forward to Thursdays because of you :) I hope you are loving college! Love ya!
    -Emily Childers
