Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Oh Hot Dog; This Is My Jam.

So I had a date night with Madison. And yes I am fully aware that I have multiple date nights with no guys. Let's rub it in some more eh? Anyways. We went to our towns 'Fun Days'. There is food and rides and parades and all that carnival junk. Not really sure why we have them, but it's a good opportunity for all those eighth grade boys to hit on you. Hello, I'm 18 and this isn't even legal. Wanna maybe hit on girls your own age? THANKS. It was fun, I guess that is why they call it the 'Fun Days'. Real creatvie guys. Why not call it the 'Everyone Stuff Your Faces With Pure Sugar and Get Creeped On By Fourteen Year Old Boys Days'. Maybe next year.

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