Awkward and Awesome Thursday!
- Closing your shirt in the cash register.. and getting it stuck. "Hi, I'll be right with you!" As soon as I retrieve myself from the register.
- There is ALWAYS an awkward moment when you're not sure if a woman is pregnant or not but you ask anyways how far along she is. But then again why would her shirt say "We're Hungry". Especially when she is by herself.
- Sweeping up a fingernail in a cupcake shop. Like a big one. TWO DAYS IN A ROW.
- Going to blow a bubble with your gum and accidentally end up spitting it out at your father's face.
- Driving by a guy who is cleaning and disinfecting his garbage can. Really people? It's garbage. That's like trying to clean mud.
- These family photos above. I was literally laughing out loud.
- Looking over at a stopped light and seeing a woman in a full set of curlers in her hair. I didn't know people still used curlers, let alone forget to take them out.
- Driving and having a little asian boy standing on the side of the road by himself throwing berries at every car that drives by. I didn't know how to categorize that one.
- I'll tell you what's not awesome. Losing your iPod touch with your whole life on it.
- Crying in the Soul Surfer movie. How pathetic can you get until you hit rock bottom?
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